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Vulnerability is Power and Change is Inevitable - By Dory Tucker

We are all living busy lives, working hard and trying to make a difference in this world. I have upmost admiration and respect for those who are seeking the greater good in this life.  I find that is it the fuel of love that keeps the larger world as a whole, full of hope for the possibility of peace, working together to find solutions for how we live and how we interact with others.Everyone knows we are in changing times....  Everything is happening now at light speed, and I am not just talking about technology, but drive, power, the obsession for fame and money, and the rightful contempt on those who are harming the innocent in the world.Human Rights are on a whole other level now, and myriads of people who have grieved and hurt in silent pain, now have a platform on which to speak, advocate, serve, and teach from all corners everywhere, because they created that platform. People are fighting for their rights. People have had enough.CHANGE IS GOOD. CHANGE IS SCARY AS $%#@ 

BUT IT IS GOOD, and NECESSARY People are standing up, standing down, and rising to the occasion to fight for freedom, and what that means for them what happiness means for each singular individual.I hope through all this change we can remember to go easy on each other, set aside the hate, be a little more gracious, say a little less, love a little more, assume the best and not the worst of those sitting next to us, across from us, or down the road.... 

Hey! Do Something great today! 

Hurricane Dorian Relief contribution helps those greatest in need

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